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丹麦技术大学Jie Zhang博士应邀前来交流

作者: 发布时间:2016-04-19 13:04:00

丹麦科技大学Jie Zhang博士应邀前来实验室进行学术交流,Zhang博士在代谢工程与系统及合成生物学领域进行了多方面的研究工作并取得了很好的研究成果。欢迎广大老师和同学前来听取报告并互动交流。报告信息及Zhang博士简介如下:

题    目:Development of biosensors for  yeast synthetic biology

报告人:Dr. Jie Zhang (张杰)

             NNF Center for Biosustainability

             Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


主持人:    吴辉 副教授

时    间:    2016-04-20  (周三) 上午10:00

地    点:    一教101室(阿华所旁边)

Dr. Jie Zhang

Metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, systems biology

Researcher Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Since Jan 2014
    ? Topic: Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology
    ? Advisor: Prof. Jay D. Keasling
Postdoc Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Sep 2011 – Dec 2013
    ? Topic: Cancer cells metabolomics
    ? Advisor: Prof. Gregory Stephanopoulos
Ph.D. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Jul 2008 – Aug 2011
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Nov 2006 - Jun 2008
    ? Thesis Title: Global Regulation of Snf1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    ? Main supervisor: Prof. Jens Nielsen
    ? Co-supervisor: Prof. Lisbeth Olsson (DTU)
M.Sc. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Sep 2004 - Aug 2006
    ? Thesis Title: Expression of penicillin biosynthesis genes in S. cerevisiae
    ? Supervisor: Prof. Jens Nielsen
B.Sc. Chu Ke Chen Honors College, Zhejiang University, China, Sep 2000 - Jun 2004

1. Zhang J, Jensen MK & Keasling JD, (2015) Development of biosensors and their
application in metabolic engineering. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 28: 1-8
2. Zhang J, Ahn WS, Gameiro PA, Keibler MA, Zhang Z & Stephanopoulos G, (2014) 13C
isotope-assisted methods for quantifying glutamine metabolism in cancer cells.
Methods Enzymol. 542: 369-89.
3. Zhang J, Babtie A & Stephanopoulos G, (2012) Metabolic engineering: enabling
technology of a bio-based economy. Curr Opin Chem Eng. 1(4): 355-362
4. Chumnanpuen P, Zhang J, Nookaew I & Nielsen J, (2012) Integrated analysis of the
transcriptome-lipidome reveals the interactions of inositol-choline and Snf1 in
controlling lipid biosynthesis in yeast. Mol Genet Genomics. 287(7): 541-54
5. Zhang J, Vaga S, Chumnanpuen P, Vemuri GN, Aebersold R & Nielsen J, (2011)
Mapping the interaction of Snf1 with TORC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Syst
Biol. 7: 545.
6. Canelas AB*, Harrison N*, Fazio A*, Zhang J* Pitkänen JP, van den Brink J, Bakker
BM, Bogner L, Bouwman J, Castrillo JI, Cankorur A, Chumnanpuen P, Daran-
Lapujade P, Dikicioglu D, van Eunen K, Ewald JC, Heijnen JJ, Kirdar B, Mattila I,
Mensonides FI, Niebel A, Penttilä M, Pronk JT, Reuss M, Salusjärvi L, Sauer U,
Sherman D, Siemann-Herzberg M, Westerhoff H, de Winde J, Petranovic D, Oliver
SG, Workman CT, Zamboni N & Nielsen J, (2010) Integrated multilaboratory systems
biology reveals differences in protein metabolism between two reference yeast strains.
Nat Commun. 1: 145. *Equal contribution.
7. Zhang J, Olsson L & Nielsen J, (2010) The β-subunits of the Snf1 kinase in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Gal83 and Sip2, but not Sip1, are redundant in glucose
derepression and regulation of sterol biosynthesis. Mol Microbiol. 77: 371-383.
8. Zhang J, Vemuri G & Nielsen J, (2010) Systems biology of energy homeostasis in
yeast. Curr Opin Microbiol. 13: 382-388.