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作者: 发布时间:2020-09-07 15:09:00

博士    教授                                                                                            

曹志兴  现任华东理工大学信息科学与工程学院教授,中组部海外高层次人才,中国自动化学会过程控制专业委员会委员。利用统计物理、人工智能、随机过程等学科交叉手段,并结合单细胞实验技术smFISH等,对细胞内转录、翻译、基因复制、细胞分裂等多个生理过程进行动力学建模,从而实现快速、高效解读生物大数据,发现基因表达的新的潜在调控机制。目前已在Nature Communications, PNAS等杂志发表多篇论文。

The his current research is to discover novel possible gene expression regulatory mechanism by using interdisciplinary approaches including statistical physics, artificial intelligence, stochastic processes and single-cell experiments. The ongoing projects include:

ØUsing machine learning techniques to model nascent mRNA kinetics

ØSeeking quantitative understanding of how cell division impacts gene expression

ØUsing artificial intelligence to optimally design enzyme to boost catalytic efficiency

1. Z. Cao, R. Grima, “Analytical distributions for detailed models of stochastic gene expression in eukaryotic cells”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(9): 4682-4692, 2020. 

2. Z. Cao, R. Grima, “Linear mapping approximation of gene regulatory networks with stochastic dynamics”, Nature Communications, 9(1): 3305, 2018.

3. Z. Cao, J. Yu, W. Wang, H. Lu, X. Xia, H. Xu, X. Yang, L. Bao, Q. Zhang, H. Wang, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, “Multi-scale data-driven engineering for biosynthetic titer improvement”, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 65, 205-212, 2020.

4. J. Holehouse, Z. Cao, R. Grima, Stochastic modeling of auto-regulatory genetic feedback loops: a review and comparative study”, Biophysical Journal, 118, 1517-1525, 2020.