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发布时间:2018-09-05 16:09:00


2007年7月获山东大学理学学士学位,2012年6月获华东理工大学工学博士学位。2012年7月-2016年3月华东理工大学历任讲师、副教授,2016年4月,受聘华东理工大学特聘研究员。现为生物反应器工程国家重点实验室固定人员,担任SRL Biotechnology & Bioengineering、SM Journal of Bioinformatics and Proteomics、Genetic Engineering and Gene Cloning: OpenAccess国际期刊杂志的编委。先后获得中国科协首批“青年人才托举工程”(2015)、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划(2015)、华东理工大学青年英才(2015)、上海市青少年科技创新“市长”奖(2013)、上海市优秀博士学位论文(2013)、第 13 届亚洲大洋洲生物化学家和分子生物学家联盟大会青年科学家计划奖学金(2012)、上海市优秀毕业生(2012)、第三届上海市高校研究生生命科学论坛一等奖(2011)和全国宝钢优秀学生奖(2011)等人才计划资助和奖励。迄今已在Cell Metabolism (2篇), Nature Protocols,The EMBO Journal, Current Opinion in Biotechnology等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文9篇。已申请5项国家发明专利和1项国际PCT发明专利,其中已授权1项。



1. 活细胞和活体代谢的检测与成像技术

2. 肿瘤、糖尿病、肥胖等代谢性疾病创新药物研发。

3. 细胞代谢调控机制研究



1. Zhao, Y., Wang, A., Zou, Y., Su, N., Loscalzo, J., and Yang, Y. In vivo monitoring of cellular energy metabolism using a highly responsive sensor for NAD+/NADH redox state. Nature Protocols, 2016, In Press. (IF: 9.673)

2. Zhao, Y., Yang, Y. Real-time and high-throughput analysis of mitochondrial metabolic states in living cells using genetically encoded NAD+/NADH sensors. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 2016, Invited review. (IF: 5.736)

3. Zhao, Y., Hu, Q., Cheng, F., Su, N., Wang, A., Zou, Y., Hu, H., Chen, X., Zhou, H.M., Huang, X., et al. SoNar, a Highly Responsive NAD(+)/NADH Sensor, Allows High-Throughput Metabolic Screening of Anti-tumor Agents. Cell Metabolism, 2015, 21(5): 777-789. (IF: 17.565)

4. Zhao, Y., Jin, J., Hu, Q., Zhou, H.M., Yi, J., Yu, Z., Xu, L., Wang, X., Yang, Y., and Loscalzo, J. Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for intracellular NADH detection. Cell Metabolism, 2011, 14(4): 555-566. (IF: 17.565)

5. Zhao, Y., and Yang, Y. Profiling metabolic states with genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors for NADH. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2015, 31, 86-92. (IF: 7.117)

6. Wang, Y., Zhou, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, S., Chen, L., Liu, L., Ling, Z., Hu, F., Sun, Y., Zhang, J., et al. Regulation of G6PD acetylation by SIRT2 and KAT9 modulates NADPH homeostasis and cell survival during oxidative stress. EMBO Journal, 2014, 33: 1304–1320. (IF: 10.434)

7. Yang, H., Zhou, L., Shi, Q., Zhao, Y., Lin, H., Zhang, M., Zhao, S., Yang, Y., Ling, Z., Guan, K., et al. SIRT3-dependent GOT2 acetylation status affects the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle activity and pancreatic tumor growth. EMBO Journal, 2015, 34:1110-1125. (IF: 10.434)


1. Zhao, Y., Yang, Y. Loscalzo, J. Real-Time Assessment of the Metabolic Profile of Living Cells with Genetically Encoded NADH Sensors. Methods in Enzymology, 2014, 542: 349-367. (ISBN:978-0-12-416618-9)



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E-mail: yuzhengzhao@ecust.edu.cn