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发布时间:2020-09-11 18:09:00

题目:合成生物学的产业化(Industrializing Synthetic Biology)

报告人:Amyris, Inc., 研发部副总裁兼Amyris中国分公司总裁赵立山博士

时间:2020-9-21 9:30-




The world is transitioning from petroleum-based traditional chemical manufacturing to more sustainable bio-manufacturing that relies on low-cost, renewable plant-based raw materials and creates less pollution. Driven by increasing environmental concerns over climate change and fueled by breakthroughs in synthetic biology and computer science, economically replacing chemicals with renewables is not only possible, but essential.

Our research at Amyris is devoted to enabling this transition by industrializing synthetic biology.  For example, we have successfully developed microbial strains and fermentation processes for the industrial scale production of artemisinic acid, a precursor to the potent isoprenoid antimalarial drug artemisinin (Qinghaosu), and bio-farnesene, a versatile chemical precursor to a variety of products including fuels, cosmetic active ingredients and vitamins. During the process, we have built a synthetic biology technology platform that enables rapid engineering of strains based on a “design, build, test and analyze” cycle.  In this presentation, I will highlight our cutting-edge platform combining breakthrough synthetic biology, automation, and machine learning, and describe how these technologies have dramatically reduced the timeline as well as the cost of developing bio-manufacturing of renewable products. I will also share some of the lessons learned in our efforts of industrializing synthetic biology, and discuss some of the main challenges ahead for bringing the synthetic biology technologies from the lab to the market.

报告人简介赵立山博士现任职Amyris, Inc., 研发部副总裁兼Amyris中国分公司总裁。Amyris,位于美国加利福利亚州旧金山湾区,是目前世界领先的合成生物学和工业生物科技公司。在过去的十余年时间,赵博士领导Amyris的多学科团队,研究了多项创新技术,建立了世界领先的合成生物学技术平台,并成功地开发了以微生物发酵为基础的绿色制造工艺来生产各种化工和药物产品。这些产品包括抗疟疾药青蒿素,高端保湿剂角鲨烷,重要的化工原料法尼烯等,为推动世界和中国的生物制造业发展做出了卓越贡献。赵博士的工作曾获得美国著名的总统绿色化学挑战奖 2014年度)。

赵博士毕业于复旦大学化学系,先后获学士和有机合成硕士学位。毕业后前往美国明尼苏达大学刘鸿文教授 Hung-wen Liu)实验室,获得生物化学博士学位。从九十年代中期开始一直从事代谢工程和合成生物学的技术开发与科研工作。他先后在数个高尖端生物科技公司里担负过重要研究和开发的职位。赵博士在这些公司里成功地领导过十多个重大产品开发项目。赵博士在合成生物学领域成果累累。迄今他已经在世界上声望很高的刊物上发表过三十篇研究论文,其中包括自然期刊(2篇)。此外,赵博士还拥有四十余个专利和专利申请。赵博士的论文及专利被引用了4900余次。