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作者: 发布时间:2018-12-19 10:12:00


报告题目: DNA-based, bulk materials

时间: 2018-12-19   16:00-

地点: 实验18315


主持人: 张立新教授

 罗丹,美国康奈尔大学生物工程和环境工程系的终身教授。本科毕业于中国科学技术大学生物系,在美国俄亥俄州立大学获得分子、细胞和发育生物学博士;取得博士学位后,在康奈尔大学化工系完成博士后训练,并于2001年任康奈尔大学生物工程和环境工程系终身轨道制(Tenure-track)助理教授;2007年获得终身教职并晋升为副教授;2011年晋升终身(Tenured)正教授。 罗丹教授领导的科研团队在世界上首次实现了DNA纳米材料的宏量制备和应用,尤其是在生物医学领域,包括疾病诊断、实地检测、生物制药、无细胞蛋白表达、药物缓释传递等。发表论文近100篇,以通讯作者在Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Biotechnology等自然子刊上发表了近20篇论文。在其它重要杂志上包括JACS、Angew Chem Int Edit、Nano Today等也发表了很多论文。申请及获得专利近20项;主编和参编著作9项。获得主要奖项荣誉包括Journal of Materials Chemistry 首届编辑部奖;纽约州学术创新校长奖(SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities);盖兹基金会全球大挑战奖;美国国防部高级研究计划;美国纽约州杰出教授奖;美国国家科学基金委职业奖(National Science Foundation CAREER Award);并于2013年被同行遴选为美国医学与生物工程学院 (AIMBE) College fellow,同时四次获得康奈尔大学由顶尖本科生推荐的影响力最大的优秀教授奖。罗丹教授在世界各地被邀报告200余次,大会报告十余次;担任了包括Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology,Nano Today在内的多个国际学术杂志的编委或顾问编委;并同时担任过包括中国在内的多个国家的科学基金会、国家级奖励的评审委员。

摘要:DNA provides a variety of routes for building up novel materials that can be used for both genetic and generic purposes. Over the last 18 years, my group at Cornell has been engineering DNA, from nanoscale to bulk scale, as both genetic materials and generic materials. In this talk, I will focus on how we have designed and developed DNA-based hydrogels for real-world applications from diagnostics to pharmaceutics. More specifically, I will elaborate on the creation of the first-ever, all-DNA hydrogel and from which a protein-producing DNA hydrogel (termed P-gel). Besides the chemical crosslinked DNA hydrogels, a physical, entangled DNA hydrogel was also invented in my group. This type of DNA hydrogel has the meta-property in that the hydrogel is both a liquid and a solid. Our DNA P-gel may lead towards the realization of synthetic cells while our meta-DNA hydrogel may become a super condensed ultra-compact DNA (scudDNA) for the direct delivery of DNA-based immuno therapeutics. Recently, we have also created life-like DNA hydrogels that possessed metabolic activities while at the same time was able to move autonomously against flow. Other novel, large scale DNA hydrogels will also be discussed. Indeed, DNA has proven to be not only the amazing molecule of life, but also a powerful and versatile nano building blocks for bulk materials.