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第335次SKLBE学术论坛(Sang Hee Shim 沈相姬)

作者: 发布时间:2016-12-09 15:12:00

题    目:Potential bioactive natural products: discovery of novel natural compounds and their application

报告人:Sang Hee Shim (沈相姬) 

             Associate Professor

            College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea

时    间:  2016-12-11 16:00-17:30

地    点:   实验18楼315室

主持人: 张立新 研究员


Sang Hee Shim (沈相姬)   韩国德成女子大学医学院副教授

    Sang Hee Shim 2004年韩国首尔大学医学院获得博士学位。2005 至2007 年、2012 年先后在美国犹他大学、爱德华大学以及加州大学圣地亚哥分校Script 海洋研究所进行博士后和访学研究。沈教授长期从事韩国特色植物及其内生真菌活性代谢的研究,运用液质、核磁、质谱成像等多种手段进行化学筛选和排重。作为第一作者或者通讯作者现在已经发表高水平文章70 余篇,在韩国天然产物研究领域具有一定的影响力,现为“韩国生药学学会”学术主任。沈相姬教授非常重视产学研合作,现在正在和韩国“正官庄”等韩国大型公司联合开展功能食品特别是护肝、抗病毒等保健品的开发。


    Endophytes are microbes that colonize living, internal tissues of plants without causing any immediate, negative effects. They occur in all major lineages of plants and in natural and anthropogenic communities ranging from the arctic region to the tropics. The ecological roles and chemical interactions of endophytic fungi are currently under investigation, particularly in relation to their host plants. It is known that endophytes are a rich and reliable source of genetic diversity and may represent previously undescribed species. Novel microbes often have associated with novel natural products. In an effort to investigate natural compounds with interesting structures from endophytic fungi, we selected plants from a distinct environmental setting which could be a promising source. Several endophytes were isolated from the stems of aquatic reed plants. Some strains of the endophytes were cultivated on a large scale. And they were extracted with ethyl acetate, which were subjected to a series of chromatographic methods, leading to the isolation of tens of compounds. The isolated compounds were identified by analysis of spectroscopic methods such as 1D-, 2D-NMR, and MS. Details of isolation, structure determination, and biological activities will be discussed.   

    As a second part, natural products are good sources in development of functional foods. In an effort to discover potential natural products to be developed as functional foods, Salvia plebeia and Sparassis crispa were subjected to chemical investigation. The aerial parts of the plant Salvia plebeia have been used as a traditional medicine to treat common cold, cough, hepatitis, etc. In a preliminary study, the extracts of S. plebeia exhibited potent inhibitory activities against influenza A (H1N1) neuraminidase. Bioactivity-guided fractionation led to the isolation of seventeen compounds including two new ones. Among them, seven phenolic compounds exhibited string activities and their structure-activity relationship will be discussed. Cauliflower mushroom, Sparassis crispa, has been reported to have anti-tumour properties, immune-strengthening activity, etc. In a preliminary study, the extracts of this mushroom exhibited anti-inflammatory activities on osteoarthritis. Chemical investigation is ongoing to elucidate the active compounds of the mushroom. The development of functional foods using natural products will be introduced.